Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Decorate Using Feng Shui Principles

Though using a professional Feng Shui practitioner is strongly recommended, here are some other interesting Feng Shui decorating tips:
  • Red represents strength, warmth, and energy. But you can have too much of a good thing. Too much red may make a room, and what happens in it, volatile.
  • In your bedroom, place objects in pairs – to signify you want to have a lasting, loving marriage. Don’t have anything in threes – that signifies something else entirely. If you find that you’re fighting a lot, remove or cover mirrors because they just magnify bad energy.
  • For all you lonely guys and gals out there, if you want to attract a partner, pull that bed out from the wall — you need to be able to get to it from two sides.
  • If you’ve been having a lot of health problems, look at that area (the left middle from the front door or the center left of a room) and see what’s there. Is it a messy closet, a cluttered bureau, or maybe where you keep the garbage? Clearing these areas out and restoring order may just restore your health as well – and it certainly couldn’t hurt.
  • Men, another good reason for shutting the toilet lid when you’re done is that if you don’t, you’re likely to be “tossing money down the drain.”
  • In general, clutter in Feng Shui is bad news; too much furniture or decoration can confuse energies and restrict the flow of opportunities in life, love and career.
  • Keep the area in front of your front door as clean and harmonious as you can. This is career central and, in general, you need energy to flow into your home unimpeded by knick-knacks.
  • Colors in your career center are black and blue – a blue and/or black floor or rug can help opportunities flow through your door like water.

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